Monday, July 13, 2009

Final exam information

Here is some information about your final exam.

Oral exam - Wednesday July15, 11:00 - 12:20 (will probably take longer) room 456

Written exam - Friday July 17, 11:00 - 12:20 room 453

If you fail the written exam you can take it again on Tuesday July 28, 11:00 - 12:20 room 454

The oral exam is similar to the FCE speaking pt 4. There will be questions related to a topic that you will discuss with a partner.

The written exam will consist of FCE style questions from the Reading, Use of English, Listening and Writing papers.

Good luck!

FYI: At the end of the year in December you will be taking a mock FCE exam as your final exam. There will be more information about that next semester.


  1. I still don´t have ANY mark in e-rooms, including the solemne´s mark....

  2. Ronda,I need check my exams please!!!
    where can I see it??

